We function in a society in which there is no recourse against those who control the health insurance industry. With that being true, the murder was the most rational thing in the world. What are the alternatives to drive change? Suffer endlessly? Write our congress people? Wake up.
I try not to befriend murderers but embrace the dialogue his actions have stirred. Hope it’ll lead to something productive but forgive me if I’m pessimistic.
Similar actions against similar (and worse) people. We have no justice system in this country anymore for the wealthy and powerful, and on top of that we have a king. It’s time for the next revolution.
In India, many followers of Nethaji were ok with getting help from Hitler and Nazi Germany. In that time, all they saw was the oppression by British and the helping hand from Hitler.
What seems right to a person need not always feel as righteous to someone else.
There are things people I disagree with wholeheartedly do that I go “well, I’m shocked but good for them.” Stopped clocks and all that. Doesn’t mean I’m going to side with them.
Honestly, even if this guy was full blown MAGA, I still side with him on this.
What seems right to a person need not always feel as righteous to someone else.
Honestly, even if this guy was full blown MAGA, I still side with him on this.