I started playing OW in summer of 2021, and I had a blast. And that's as someone who only played sym. There's literally no making the OW community happy, y'all are pathetic and revel in creating your own misery.
that shit will never be as fun as it was when it launched bc ppl took it less seriously than they do now. shit just isnt fun everyones mad asf on that game 😭
Genuine fun, sorry you can't enjoy it, But it genuinely made me happy many days in Nov/Dec. I didn't touch any other mode.
The removed stages, the limited counters, 6v6, the height for pharah, no pressure to commit to 2/2/1, Tanks not being just chunky dps, teleporterr
I feel the same way about most versions of classic WoW. I tried making a toon in Cata classic, ezpz belf ret. I figured I'd bang out ten levels in an hour to re-acclimate myself, as I started during original Cataclysm. Holy crap it took so long to run everywhere, just painfully slow.
I think they put it in there to say "guess us developers don't suck so much shit now do we?"
The removed stages, the limited counters, 6v6, the height for pharah, no pressure to commit to 2/2/1, Tanks not being just chunky dps, teleporterr