Recently Bethan has worked with CamRARE siblings through a workshop in collaboration with Centre 33.
For #RareDiseaseDay, Bethan says:
“Remember siblings.
Young carers are like balloons. They inflate with all that’s going on with their sibling, but if the pressure gets too high - they pop.”
For #RareDiseaseDay, Bethan says:
“Remember siblings.
Young carers are like balloons. They inflate with all that’s going on with their sibling, but if the pressure gets too high - they pop.”
She's used her experiences to be a Young Carers Advisory Board member with Centre 33 & leads the Young Carers group at school. Young carers need a break, time to deflate, your time to check-in.
Nurses and family workers remember that we are there, and we are struggling too.
Young carers need a break. Give us time to deflate. Give us some of your time to check-in. Give us validation for what we do.
Schools must have a Young Carers Champion and have teachers who are aware. This is useful because sometimes young carers will be late to school, late with homework or distracted, because of their caring role.
Bethan asks: "What can you do to make a young carer feel valued today?