Did this once by laying gauze strips over it and soaked them in superglue (maybe hold off putting socks back on... ) Kept it all together and a nail bed covered until it was far enough to trim off.
Gauze and duct tape. Changed daily. :) No joke. I dropped a 20lbs freeweight on my big toe nail once. Did have to get it 'aerated' by my doc with a laser (Sorry, @gr82live.bsky.social no pictures for you) but just had to keep it clean. Aired out when I could to prevent moisture buildup.
Ouch! It's happened often to my dad. We just cover it with some gauze and tape, but I think they sell some covers (don't know the actual name) at the chemist's
I think @gr82live.bsky.social has done this more than once as a marathoner and might have some tips. Our daughter seriously busted a fingernail recently, and we just went old school -- gauze and medical tape, replacing at least daily. It's not ideal, to be sure.
Yikes, big toenail injuries are no fun. Was it through sudden trauma or through constant pounding? On some marathons, sometimes I'll get repetitive stress on one of my big toenails. It's tender at the end of the day and then turns progressively more purple. Unfortunately, once it turns purple, it's
a goner, and means months of having the new toenail grow underneath and push it out. I have lovely pictures of toenails hanging by a thread which absolutely delight @dr-pete.bsky.social and send shivers up his spine. If it's a sudden injury, I think my daughter kept her nail after bandaging it.
Oh, I dropped a walking pad on it which is objectively a pretty funny way to wreck a toenail.
I've got new growth but the wonky (and v black) bit is starting to separate. Trying to keep it attached as long as possible so I don't have an exposed nail bed
*Beep boop beep* Use a machete or large kitchen knife to prevent the infection from spreading. Isolate after removal. If an overwhelming appetite for human flesh emerges....
My child is prone to weird foot injuries, and this is absolutely the type of advice I'd give her for most non-critical but gross issues. I'm pretty sure she knows I'm not serious.
Kinda like fiberglass reinforcing your hooves.
I've got new growth but the wonky (and v black) bit is starting to separate. Trying to keep it attached as long as possible so I don't have an exposed nail bed
I didn't know that nails could grow out black for months 😅