Finally dedicated time to deep-diving the Melda plugins and it's blown my mind a bit - they're so powerful. It's strange that sound design community don't talk about them more because I can't think of an equal. Ended-up buying MXXX on sale - the plugin to end all plugins. Anyone else use them?
HORRIBLE UI, but they sound excellent
I had no idea the multiband plugins could split by things other than frequency e.g. by level, or stereo image, or transients 🤯
Echoing the others: overwhelming UI, but I love the features and depth of control.
I feel the UI makes a lot more sense in the context of MXXX as a modular environment because it allows pop-out windows and custom interface creation for patches. I actually prefer the UX in that context in than others (Snap Heap, Triad/Byome, Reaktor etc.)
I'm really loving MSoundFactory so far.
If you haven't already check out the Modal Filter in MSF. Load some audio in to the 4 Structures to "sample" the harmonic relationships, it's so good.