I believe that Bernie supporters stayed home because the dems did nothing for the people in 5 years, from not codifying roe, not increasing the minimum wage, or expanding the Supreme Court, or lifting a finger to stop years of corporate price gouging, but they funded the genocidal maniac Netanyahu
And why the fuck would you want dems to expand the Supreme court when you didn't even show up to protect women's rights or to appoint democratic judges on 2016.
You want dems to fix everything YOU fucked up, yet you still fuck everything up because you're fucking stupid.
Umm, the right to have an abortion isn't in the constitution... you're calling people stupid when you have no idea what you're talking about. I have a political science degree, I understand how laws are made, the Supreme Court doesn't make laws, the congress does...
You should take a civics class
I agree, except not every Bernie voter is socialist.
Bernie prioritizes unifying class-based policies that benefit working class, while Dems are liberal capitalists who embrace divisive identity politics.
The left leaning white working class is vulnerable to fascism when alternative is Dems.
Health insurance is socialism. When people chip into a pot that is used to provide services for people is socialism. Shriners and St. Jude's Hospitals, wounded warriors charities, Salvation army, etc. are socialism. Chipping into insurance companies is socialism that has a middle man taking a cut.
Nobody is asking for the people to own the means of production of all industry, which is one definition of socialism, but we want workers paid living wages, and we want taxpayer's money used to provide for society and not corporate handouts, including universal healthcare, it makes sense to people.
When you tell workers that believe that they should be paid fairly for the labor they provide, and you explain that that makes them Marxists, because that's literally all Marx was pushing for, they have a hard time understanding that because they were taught lies about what Marx was and wanted...
The taxpayers are chipping into the foodstamps and welfare programs to feed and house the worker's families of record profit making companies like Walmart and Amazon and McDonald's and others, it's a system of "corporate socialism", along with the $100s of Billions of dollars in corporate subsidies
I think that many people don't understand what the term socialism and Socialist mean, but when they're told that everything that taxpayer's money is used for is socialism, and that we're mired in socialism now, as corporate subsidies and bailouts and corporate welfare is socialism, they understand
You want dems to fix everything YOU fucked up, yet you still fuck everything up because you're fucking stupid.
Save your excuses for someone stupid enough to listen to your braindead drivel.
You're so fucking stupid it's painful.
You should take a civics class
Congrats, you're a republican.
The dems had 2 years of holding both chambers and the white house and they didn't codify roe.
And laws can be removed by the Supreme court as well.
So not only are you stupid, you're old and stupid which is worse.
You're so fucking lazy you've never once bothered in 60 fucking years to look up how the constitution works. Fuck you.
Otherwise Biden wouldn't have vowed to codify it, but only if voters showed up to let them keep the house and senate.
They didn't do it
The constitution is LAW.
The Supreme court would rule on any LAW as well.
You're just so fucking stupid you've never even bothered to Google what the U.S. constitution is and how it works.
You're so fucking stupid, and so dedicated to proving how stupid you are.
Bernie prioritizes unifying class-based policies that benefit working class, while Dems are liberal capitalists who embrace divisive identity politics.
The left leaning white working class is vulnerable to fascism when alternative is Dems.
Countries that succeed don't have a pure ideological stance, they have mixed economies.
Go back to school, idiot.