Id like to have a RESPECTFUL proxy discussion. I saw a post about a guy at a shop that won't buy cards. Any cards, from anywhere, and had a bunch of decks. It bothered OP.
I have thoughts and some ppl got angry 🫠
I don't understand refusing to buy *any* cards. And I'm POOR poor. I don't want to
I have thoughts and some ppl got angry 🫠
I don't understand refusing to buy *any* cards. And I'm POOR poor. I don't want to
This is dumb, and I really hope I don't have to explain why (hint: a lot of my reasons align with yours).
"What do you mean there's a cover charge for casual nights now"
Back in my day, we only proxied cards that we owned, but were high-priced.
That being said, it's fun to give money to your LGS.
The best part about magic now is if someone plays a way that bothers you. Just go somewhere else/play with others.
I don't think that people should have to pump money into a shop to play a game, I also think that they should get to play in a shop.
But also a shop needs to make money to stay open.
It's why certain members of my playgroup make sure to buy excess amounts to ensure that the place
Those that can afford some excess do so those that cannot, can still have a space to play that's not just in the home, that's out in an open community. ♡
I'll support proxies to any length and condemn any place that condemns them, but I'll also spend money.
But we got kids playing, we got people trying to start lives, and we got people trying to recover from the world.
I'll spend enough to justify them being there without paying.
Life's hard enough for them to have a fee to play their hobby.
But like we said. Money keeps the door open
Basically, I think investing in the places that allow you to HAVE a community is important.
What are your thoughts on this?
I'm not gonna knock against anyone who uses proxies (and I've proxied an entire deck twice), but... invest in your community where you can.
I don't think I can say much else that hasn't already been said, but... I think you've got it.
I think lgs’s would be fully in the right for opening up a mo tilt subscription service that would allow customers to play proxies in events. Even sanctioned events! Perhaps …
1) Proxies fundamentally hurt the game past a certain point of ubiquity. Whether cEDH meaningfully brings use to or above that point, I don’t know.
2) I disagree with pro-proxy moral high ground arguments. I avoid socially engaging with those who hold them.
I even get not wanting to buy new cards for i dont know, environmental reasons or so.. But please lets all chip in to support our community somehow.
Seeing the entire thing, including the LGS as a business only 1/2
Being nice to people is not a bonus, its the base layer of being part of society 2/2
I still will buy legit product, and mostly go that way.
The few proxied ones are for unique builds, but not spending a lot.
I don't have a huge collection of cards as a new player.
But refusing to buy ANY cards is wild.
I don't expect everyone to have the same lines as me though.
And to be clear: I don't mind alternate arts, or re-skins that are tasteful and/or pg-13. And I only set that rule since an LGS should be safe for kids.
But it could be like sleeves and drinks or whatever, just so your local shop gets a little something.
kidding aside, I’m personally on the side of proxy all you want (might be obvious 😂) but I don’t proxy much except land base and reserved list cards myself. If someone can’t afford to buy any at all I’ll still play w/them. I play against people not wallets.