Sobriety is hard.
We are taught ways to escape our discomfort, rather than taught how to cope.
This alcoholic/addict learned to live & cope through guidance of those who came before me in 12 step recovery.
I’ve been blessed in more ways then I can say, all because I didn’t pick up a drink or a drug
We are taught ways to escape our discomfort, rather than taught how to cope.
This alcoholic/addict learned to live & cope through guidance of those who came before me in 12 step recovery.
I’ve been blessed in more ways then I can say, all because I didn’t pick up a drink or a drug
I got sober on 2/20/88, not really believing I was an alcoholic, the drugs were the problem, alcohol was no big deal. So I thought…
My first Sponsor use to tell me to think things through, she was a wise woman, she wanted me to not react, instead think things through.
Even now, years later I think it through.
That would be a lie, I do sometimes.
Life has been tough, the thought has come up.
Even now I think it through, that “brief escape” I think I’d get is a lifetime of misery…I thank God every day I know this…