Agreeing to help a friend potty train by going through it with them, but every time they successfully make it to the potty your control gets weaker & weaker.
Eventually you have an accident and decide to put on one of their pull ups just in case.
Eventually you have an accident and decide to put on one of their pull ups just in case.
Soon the packages of pull ups get moved out of your friends room & into yours since you’re going through so many more of them now.
You feel your stomach drop in shock as your knees bend into a slight squat.
Your pull ups crackle & bulge out as a giant mushy mess quickly fills your seat.
The front begins swelling shortly after as your bladder releases, the designs disappearing.
Your friend saunters over & firmly pats your butt further smushing the mess, a smirk on their face.
“Th-thicker?” you stutter, your cheeks turning red. “But I’m p-potty trained…”
“Suuuure you are big guy! Now lay down on the mat so we can get you out of those poopy pull ups. And hey, maybe you can try potty training in a couple months!”
Anyways! Gonna go help people with their potty training now because it’s the right thing to do and not totally because of this! ;3