I mean if you trace it back far enough 99.99% of the people living in the UK have their ancestral routes elsewhere. Even those coming to the UK today to call it home, still makes them British imo.
Big welshophile here, my love for Manics, Burton, and Thomas know no bounds, and happy for Welsh to choose your own future, but I think it's a big challenge. And just to be selfish, as a northerners, we need those solid lefty Welsh votes, so for no other reason, stay for us poor northern fuckers 🙏
Though we're all gonna be fucked once Scotland leaves too, so we should all start preparing our lifeboats so we can leave the home counties and Lincolnshire to their bullshit 😉
I think Scottish Independence is off the table for a long time after the court ruling, SNP troubles and infighting, and the expected Labour regains. It’s unfair. Whilst I want them to stay they have the right to decide. But I’m all for some sort of desperate escape attempt, I hear Poland is nice
I mean part of why we just moved to Cardiff was to gtfo of England. At least here some politics and services get mitigated by a Senedd mainly full of actual grown-ups
I was looking for you 🥹 it’s so lonely here in the morning
Should we… I don’t know… like, follow each other?
Though we're all gonna be fucked once Scotland leaves too, so we should all start preparing our lifeboats so we can leave the home counties and Lincolnshire to their bullshit 😉