As an American Jew, let me be clear:
-Criticizing Israel is not being "antisemitic"
-Defending the human rights of Palestinians is not being pro-Hamas
-Arresting someone for these things is a violation of our 1st Amendment
-Violating 1st Amendment rights, and bragging there's more to come, is bad
-Criticizing Israel is not being "antisemitic"
-Defending the human rights of Palestinians is not being pro-Hamas
-Arresting someone for these things is a violation of our 1st Amendment
-Violating 1st Amendment rights, and bragging there's more to come, is bad
They COULD have had the FBI investigating him, and would probably find SOMETHING to trigger his arrest but instead they just step on their dick... again.
My dad was, for the time (c1970), a rare bird: a white man in Saskatchewan who thought that Louis Riel and Gabriel Dumont should be celebrated as national heroes. (Riel was hung as a traitor.)
"What if," he asked, "Israel is just Canadian and South African genocidal apartheid colonialism all over again?"