I am glad I play my own part.
Keeping all of these heroes and their entourage blissfully content by my "Good behaviour" while allowing my dear counterpart to do what we do best!
Keeping all of these heroes and their entourage blissfully content by my "Good behaviour" while allowing my dear counterpart to do what we do best!
See what?
you know what. Come here or else i hunt you for sport.
Also fine then! >:/ be like that, no ember privilege for a week.
That's why it's on us to *make* our own meaning in life and find our own reason for existing. You are halfway there!
Is it not more fun to enjoy the time you have, to find happiness while you can ere you cannot?
Those fleeting moments, those brief instances of connection, love, excitement, satisfaction, warmth - all of those are so incredibly worth it. Whether it's a warm bowl of soup on a cold day, or the triumph of winning a card game. It is *always* worth it.
You should know better- hells, even I'm doing a better job.
Never once do you tell the truth, fandaniel.
*he then grabs the shorter man by the collar of his shirt and pulls him close. Harshly too.*
Keep up your poor lying and I will not be here to save your ass. *he spoke though gritted teeth quietly.*