Strange, isn’t it?
Are people starting to realize that corporate greed is real?
That the billionaires are never satisfied & want more no matter the cost to our country?
Are people starting to wake up?
I truly hope they do & start pushing back-hard!
#ResistanceUnited #ProudBlue
Are people starting to realize that corporate greed is real?
That the billionaires are never satisfied & want more no matter the cost to our country?
Are people starting to wake up?
I truly hope they do & start pushing back-hard!
#ResistanceUnited #ProudBlue
get someone to care for them.
They start moving on streets begging for apenny to get something in their mouths and
stomach. And mostly fail and start resorting to drug abuse
Hun har mistet sit job på grund af Trump og Musk og er stadig amerikansk sød smilende usikker og måske fej. Som en kvinde der undskylder hustruvold . Hun kan ikke engang sige NEJ klart og tydeligt. Hvilken gammeldags opdragelse får Amerikanske republikanske piger/ kvinder