Structurally? Two words: Educational Disparity. Creating spaces that can limit development of critical thinking and empathy creates passive citizenry through comfort and willing to accept moral compromises in exchange for certainty, stability, or group belonging.
I think part of that is in the unknown category. Around 64% of eligible voters actually went to the polls. Of those, 49.8% of them voted for Trump and 48.3% voted for Harris (the remaining 2.1% voted for other parties). The unknown is what the 36% of nonvoters think about him speaking for them.
Some were protest non-voters who were upset with the position on Gaza in the Biden administration. Others..... well, hard to say. I know a couple of people who have adopted the stance that all politicians are corrupt so why bother voting. In any case, here we are and it isn't nice at all.
The electoral college process and the willingness of Americans to stick with it is ridiculous. Still, Trump held the majority of those who voted. Optically speaking, most. Sad.