“I don’t know if what I’m doing really matters.” That’s the lie I’ve been fighting off as a creative person lately.
I know I can’t be the only one.
In a world that’s on fire, my work as a writer & storyteller feels frivolous when actual dangerous things are happening.
But the truth that I know,🧵
I know I can’t be the only one.
In a world that’s on fire, my work as a writer & storyteller feels frivolous when actual dangerous things are happening.
But the truth that I know,🧵
Art changes lives. It changes minds. That's why
We remember stories & history bc of the art that impacted us. We see ourselves through the lens of art. We experience humanity. Art & creativity have the ability to show us a way forward, give us hope, and to imagine a better world.
Art, storytelling, and creativity last and make an impact over time and space, beyond empires.
It’s a challenge to show up right now. But I’m committed to showing up to my creative work. Fellow creatives, will you join me?