This post from Instagram says it much better than I ever could We should all be aware that #Felon47 wants to silence us all! Selena is a private citizen just lke you & I
Don't give up your 1st Amendment Rights
Don't give up your 1st Amendment Rights
He need to eff right off and surrender control of the Treasury Dept. data, NOW.
Mount desert island maine vacation home.
Leo is known to attend services in Bar Harbor, a larger town on the other side of the island — and protests occasionally occur at that catholic church.
Leo is responsible for supreme court corruption
Good Luck, America.😃
It's also done. This is our reality. Ten years of fighting and here we still are. and have gone the way if Garland.
I'm done. If and all dems gave up why shouldn't we...?
“If they can go after me, they can go after you”
Shitler’s words. Scare tactics then. Reality now.
I it was it would proof how sick in the head a lot Americans are right now