Encouraging to see Gov's latest report: Domestic combustion PM2.5 emissions down 7% compared to 2022. The total for domestic combustion emissions is now lower than all road transport. Make the switch to a modern stove to help reduce further #burnbetter
https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/emissions-of-air-pollutants/emissions-of-air-pollutants-in-the-uk-particulate-matter-pm10-and-pm25 #cleanairnight
https://www.gov.uk/government/statistics/emissions-of-air-pollutants/emissions-of-air-pollutants-in-the-uk-particulate-matter-pm10-and-pm25 #cleanairnight
Ultrafine Particles from modern stoves are double that of older stoves. That's not reducing UFPs is it?
You don't actually care about clean air. You only care about money.
Look closer at the data, and you can see that "wood used as fuel" has increased from 2022 to 2023.
From 9.6% to 10.7% of overall PM2.5 (5.7 to 6 in thousand tonnes of PM2.5)
linked page
"In these more recent years, considerable decreases in emissions from some sources (e.g. from road transport and energy industries) have been partly offset by increases in emissions from other activities, such as wood burning in domestic settings"