For no reason in particular just in case friends end up in a situation like this
If you at any point get arrested your first step is to SHUT THE FUCK UP. SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH
Step 2 is to say "I will not speak without a lawyer present and I an exercising my right to remain silent."
If you at any point get arrested your first step is to SHUT THE FUCK UP. SHUT YOUR FUCKING MOUTH
Step 2 is to say "I will not speak without a lawyer present and I an exercising my right to remain silent."
Because the dumbass fucking Supreme Court ruled that silence CAN be used against you if you don't explicitly say you are exercising your right to remain silent
And don't add anything. They also ruled someone saying "dawg" at the end invalidated it, because fuck man
So say don't trust police, don't talk to them, and aside from saying you are exercising that right, SHUT THE FUCK UP