If ever there was a poster child for privilege, this lady has grandparents and relatives who are Nobel prize laureates for science… we’re talking people who helped solidify atomic theory
Keeping everyone divided is smart. And I still won’t agree with ‘the other side’ (they really want you dead!) but this is an exception. The very rich will kill indiscriminately
Yes to class war. Yes to redistribution by taxing the rich and corporates ****fairly*** - they’ll still be v v rich. Just not obscenely v v v v v v v v rich !
This person is basically saying "take it and don't fight back".
Fuck her.
For blocklists.
The last thing she wants is to share resources.
Jane Fonda is classy.
Not a class war; a greed war.
Just one won't be enough.
they fear class consciousness
I'm Canadian, and this has echoes of the people calling Justin Trudeau a communist.
Motherfucker, I wish he was!
It's on everyone's mind.