There is nothing on the site to indicate that this is the last chance. Is there another page that says they will be going away and that the extras will be destroyed?
asking because I legit don't see it on the site. I did order some even though I'll never need them (I'll be in hospital if I get it)
Then thank you for sharing the information that they should have made public!
I am going to slip the ones I ordered into the drawer at my family's house (where my packages go but I don't live there) in hopes that it encourages them to use them. That way I can avoid them if they get it AGAIN 😅
asking because I legit don't see it on the site. I did order some even though I'll never need them (I'll be in hospital if I get it)
I am going to slip the ones I ordered into the drawer at my family's house (where my packages go but I don't live there) in hopes that it encourages them to use them. That way I can avoid them if they get it AGAIN 😅