I dislike the word influencers
It’s perhaps beyond me
But now I’m screaming into the void
About non human abuse by an apparent influencer
Should have been on a plane by now and shut down on every media site
Bloody Yanks. Think they are all above the law and have no respect for our world. Digressing now::- it’s only WHEN not if, they are physically attacked (as a country) that they will learn. IMO !!!
yeah and no one has ever generalised about Australians ever in the history of mankind, but you know we understand what a sense of humour consists of...
Sadly, some Australians have done worse, alas, there are idiots everywhere
Australians have always been USA sensitive from the WW11 days, they came here on leave, money in their pockets and charmed the ladies
In more recent years US companies absorbed many small Australian brands. Nestle Campbells
I hope one of y’all’s kangaroos do her like she did the baby wombat. Snatch her right up from her partner or whoever she was with and terrify her for shits and giggles. I’m so sorry. I swear the majority of us aren’t like this.
Fucking...people like that continuously give Americans a bad name. And now with the dipshit-in-chief it's only getting worse. I have never been more ashamed to exist as an American. I am so sorry my countrymen are fucking idiots.
Yes, it's Americans like this that gave us the reputation of the "Ugly American".
It's not the majority of us. It's the spoiled brats who think they're better than everyone else. They have enough inherited wealth to travel the world, but they don't think they can learn anything from their travels.
This makes me physically ill! Of course it’s a stupid, effing American!! What is wrong with people today?!? Can’t this “influencer” be charged with SOMETHING?? Please?!? Ugh.🤦🏻♀️
Unfortunately, our Republican Party and its leader, Dick Tater, have given their cult members permission to act this way and they believe they can do it anywhere. This fuckstick is just a representation of the cult she belongs to, not all Americans.
She should be deported. This sort of thing should not be tolerated. Our wildlife must be protected. If she’s stupid and cruel enough to do this, then send her packing- otherwise others will do the same thing!
I saw a baby wombat video this morning but there was no human in it and the wombat seemed happy and calm so i'm guessing it was a different video. Nobody should disturb babies in the wild.
I agree, but I'd love to see some dumb arse Yank (most Americans are uneducated dumbarses anyway - or they wouldn't have President Trump) to try the same on a good old big red kangaroo, then we can all watch the 'roo kick the living shit out of another dumb arse Yank.
If you hit those wombats, your car - including Nissan Patrols, Toyota LandCruisers etc, let alone a standard sedan - would at least rip the undercarriage from your car.
Yep. Hit a dead one in my old C-class Merc one night driving through Christmas Hills and completely rooted the underside of the car. It was as solid as hitting a large rock.
Yep, one and only car incident ever involved a wombat up near the Hume Dam. Took the underside off the car including the catalytic converter. Poor thing.
I knew wombats could make cars roll but this is truly amazing local knowledge. I was in a fog south here one time where there was gaps between thick fogs and in each clump of the fog was a bunch of Roos in the first two and then a big dog in the next patch. Freaky. We slowed right down after that
Arrest her and charge her. These damn “influencers” need to learn the world doesn’t revolve around them. Hopefully whatever platform she has this video on has been removed so she can’t monetize it.
The crowning achievement of her influence should be that interfering with Australian wildlife has consequences and penalties including, ‘leave Australia and never come back’. If she influences others of her ilk not to come here that’s just what we want.
It’s perhaps beyond me
But now I’m screaming into the void
About non human abuse by an apparent influencer
Should have been on a plane by now and shut down on every media site
Yes, I’m American but raised half in Germany too. I understand just how horrid we are.
I think ‘you’ just won “that person” prize 🏆
Australians have always been USA sensitive from the WW11 days, they came here on leave, money in their pockets and charmed the ladies
In more recent years US companies absorbed many small Australian brands. Nestle Campbells
She need to be fined, and deported
Dopey cow. I hope ABF have her on file as a You Shall Not Pass!
Wonder if this is fact checked but… do we care?
Begone you nitwit
It's not the majority of us. It's the spoiled brats who think they're better than everyone else. They have enough inherited wealth to travel the world, but they don't think they can learn anything from their travels.
Scary things they are.
Idiots posting idiotic shit so that idiots give them income.
In this case, idiotic and reprehensible.
We're all alike, you know. 🙄
Typical American behavior.
As a former 'Kinglaker' (Kinglake, Vic) it wasn't unusual for wombats to be wandering across the road.
This was particularly so on the Heidelberg-Kinglake Rd (C746) "the winding road" and particularly early morning ...
You learnt to be vigilant for wombats.
Kinglake isn't nicknamed "Misty Mountain" for nothing.
People have died and cars rolled on that road, simply because they hit a wombat.
If the goal umps can't see each other wave their flags. Match is suspended or cancelled.
Why? Well, in the 1980s, in a typical Kingake 'pea-souper fog' some Kinglake boys went, um, a bit nuts in the fog.
Following this, the Kinglake Rule was introduced. If the goal umps can't see each other, match is suspended.
Try driving through that and looking for wombats.
That poor baby and its mother so distressed all for a photo op.