It’s such a sad and repetitive approach isn’t it, play book seems to be:
1. Scotland bad!
2. SNP badder!
3. Scottish good news, badderer!
4.Positive news story on Scotland, even badderer
5.Independence, diabolism incarnate!
6. Spin every news item to comply with 1. above and repeat ad nauseam!!!!!!
Scottish Daily Record.❌️
Scottish Sunday Post.❌️
Scottish Sun.❌️
Scottish Sunday Times.❌️
All Anti Scottish.
1. Scotland bad!
2. SNP badder!
3. Scottish good news, badderer!
4.Positive news story on Scotland, even badderer
5.Independence, diabolism incarnate!
6. Spin every news item to comply with 1. above and repeat ad nauseam!!!!!!