Name your favorites from Star Trek:
Uniform: Picard Season 1
Spock: Nimoy
Couple: Seven & Raffi
Character: Seven of Nine
Ship: USS Voyager
Villain: The Borg Queen (Voyager)
Series: Picard (All 3 Seasons)
Captain: Seven
Movie: First Contact
Theme: VOY
Guest: The Rock
Uniform: Picard Season 1
Spock: Nimoy
Couple: Seven & Raffi
Character: Seven of Nine
Ship: USS Voyager
Villain: The Borg Queen (Voyager)
Series: Picard (All 3 Seasons)
Captain: Seven
Movie: First Contact
Theme: VOY
Guest: The Rock
Reposted from
Erin Macdonald
Name your favorites from Star Trek:
Uniform: Prodigy
Spock: Nimoy
Couple: Garak and Bashir
Character: Elim Garak
Ship: USS Voyager
Villain: Weyoun
Series: DS9
Captain: Janeway
Movie: The One With The Whales
Theme: VOY
Guest: Iggy Pop
Uniform: Prodigy
Spock: Nimoy
Couple: Garak and Bashir
Character: Elim Garak
Ship: USS Voyager
Villain: Weyoun
Series: DS9
Captain: Janeway
Movie: The One With The Whales
Theme: VOY
Guest: Iggy Pop
Uniform: Disco S1&2
Spock: Nimoy
Couple: Riker & Troi
Character: McCoy
Ship: 1701-D
Villain: Q
Series: TNG
Captain: Picard
Movie: khannnn!!!
Theme: Enterprise
Guest: Mick Fleetwood