Reposted from
Adam Parkhomenko
We updated to include the price of eggs and gas per your request. And a nice little home screen icon. More to come 🤣
Full statement here:
Honestly. I wish people would focus their energy on useful shit that actually helps people.
The fucking privilege. 😡
We don't know what might change Trumpers but telling people to resist only in the way you feel they should might be more alienating.
"Please be serious" is so fucking condescending. I am a serious person and for you to suggest otherwise is insulting.
But even if that was effective, MAGA hits so many cult markers… an honest to god deprogramming has to happen.
Y’all and yah cutesy words .
Republican is the word to use , apparently every one stopped saying trump supporters and now it’s MAGA non stop . It’s like yah scared to call republicans republican.
The problem is the rest of us don't spend our lives doing that.
But when we do, it has an effect - 2020 was won in part on COVID complaints.