I understand that a lot of people are afraid right now, because they are hearing a lot of things about air travel. First, understand that what causes a midair in DC is not what causes a private jet to have landing gear issues in AZ or a single-engine aircraft to crash off the coast of Nome, AK. /1
You have to be patient. /2
That's the part you need to be worried about. /3
I wonder if the MON network collapsing, and the security risks of dependence on GPS.
Or maybe we’ll just watch an ad before we shoot an ILS, brought to you by Starlink (tm).
The FAA and NWS were already underfunded and understaffed. Improvements were happening and now those are dashed. More positions are being cut.
What did everything think would happen? /6
I will not be confident of that statement anymore.
I do not know what caused the crash in Toronto. But I am worried and if you are too, you need to make your voices heard. /fin