Savage Land Rogue by Ed Benes, inks by Mustafa Moussa, and colours by me 🎨
Always appreciate the support, shares, and love on here.
Have a great night!
Always appreciate the support, shares, and love on here.
Have a great night!
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For me, I'll take the image to the program I use, and then I'll multiply that image I want to colour.
I'll create another layer underneath that and colour away! 🎨🙂 (attached an image below)
Everyone has a method to their madness, this is the way I do it. 👍👍🎨
Is the b&w layer a transparency, so to speak, seeing how it layers over the colors so cleanly?
The only feedback I have at all, aside from that praise is that I imagined the spear tip to be more gray/stone-like.
Wish my dabbling was even close to this level.
I look forward to seeing more of your stuff.