Just My Thoughts 💭
The Fact That The FOTUS Feels He Can King Himself In A Country That Never Had One…. Is Further Proof That He Is unfit To Be President!
“Furthermore”. For The Spineless GOP Party To Sit Back And Allow This, Makes Them Co-Conspirators In His Crimes on Humanity! 🧐🤨🤔
The Fact That The FOTUS Feels He Can King Himself In A Country That Never Had One…. Is Further Proof That He Is unfit To Be President!
“Furthermore”. For The Spineless GOP Party To Sit Back And Allow This, Makes Them Co-Conspirators In His Crimes on Humanity! 🧐🤨🤔
GOP MAGA were given the chance (and benefit of the doubt re: election cheating) have squandered the opportunity to participate more.