Literally just started my digital art journey a year ago and i’ve felt this way so many times already 😭 I think always going back to the basics of what moved you and inspired you is a good way of keeping motivated and preventing love of the craft from seeming like a chore, hoping you stay inspired🤎
sorry to hear!! i dunno about you but i really enjoy drawing SETS of things, like oh i'm gonna draw a whole bunch of [X], it's fun to gradually build up a big ol collection of little drawings under a larger umbrella and very easy to get carried away.
Taking a time off, maybe trying different materials, different techniques, anything really that can shake the creative juices may help with willingness to draw!
Been feeling the same with reading, I just don’t get excited or eager to read books anymore and it feels like a chore that I’m always putting it off and end up not reading at all for like weeks
I think the answer is different for each person, but maybe going back to drawing for yourself!, maybe doing what you enjoy can help bring that feeling back, try to focus having fun rather than seeking perfection, that’s what made it fun when we all started. It’s about returning to the roots i think
Hi!! I am a Brazilian artist :)
I make fanarts and etc..
I'm again begging for everyone's attention but now on a different social network hahaha
To promote the profile I will be RAFFLING a✨PERSONALIZED FANART✨ to those who follow and like the giveaway post
(Support me there, I need to feed my cat🥺)
don't give up my friend! keep going and the universe will bless you with all the goods of this life! i believe in that and i believe in your strength! ❤️
pick an sudden idea and go further
I just cannot draw recently, maybe im suferring a burnout?? But idk honestly, i just hope it doesn't affect me for much long
I make fanarts and etc..
I'm again begging for everyone's attention but now on a different social network hahaha
To promote the profile I will be RAFFLING a✨PERSONALIZED FANART✨ to those who follow and like the giveaway post
(Support me there, I need to feed my cat🥺)
my lack of time made me hate drawing/painting
it just feels empty now 💀
Eu estou tentando voltar aos pouquinhos, tentando uma coisa ou outra, mas é isso.. obrigada msm ❤️