What is he politicising today. That man has no class. He knows the rules but assumes (rightly) the Reform idiots won't. He really is a bloody disgrace.
Besides, Reform isn't a political "party", it's a **Ltd. company**. It doesn't have any *members*, only "supporters" who pay a fee to the company but have zero say in how it's run.
He really doesn't understand how it works, and neither do his supporters. They keep banging on about how many votes they got as if it was relevant to seats. Amazingly he's too dim to realise what a fool he looks, oh well.
Shameful! Trying to make a political point scoring publicity from this situation. He could have gone to his own constituency and laid a reef, it doesn't matter where, it's the respect that counts. What a sad pathetic AH!
Remembrance Sunday started in 1946 in commemoration for both world wars. It evolved from Armistice Day which was first commemorated at Buckingham Palace in 1919. It's right that Remembrance has evolved to include the fallen from all wars the UK has been involved in since the first Armistice.
perhaps. not in Australia. not in Canada. if you want to get tetchy it never officially started in Oz until 1997. it was a thing, well before WW2. honestly, can't we simply do the WW1 thing without conflating it with everything since? just honour the WW1 vets.
It was changed years ago to remember ALL of the fallen in combat. Does a soldier who died, fighting for his country not deserve to be remembered, because it wasn't in the 1st world war? As an ex Royal Engineer who lost friends and relatives in later wars, I want to remember them as well.
it needs a different memorial. i am not against that. growing up among WW1 vets, i understand the 11/11 thing. it's not about war or combat, it is about WW1 and the horrors of that. that last part is the trick. we cannot imagine what happened. let's leave it, and find a different way for the rest.
seriously, with the greatest of respect, let's leave 11/11 for what it was. no disrespect to others, but WW1 was industrial death. those guys. oh, gods. what they may have seen and experienced.
The problem with what you're saying is, since WW1 , there have been so many wars and conflicts with British servicemen and women involved. Do you recommend a separate Remembrance day for each of them? WW2, Korean war, Falklands conflict and those in between and following?
no. i am simply saying that 11/11 is a specific remembrance for WW1 vets. that was a very special war. napoleonic tactics met industrial warfare. it was horrifying. it needs, and deserves, its own remembrance. as earlier: the WW1 vets i knew. traumatised. don't overload this.
So, on the day the country stops to remember those who gave their lives for our freedom, it's all about Reform. Fucking disgraceful from Tice, but certainly not unexpected.
I imagine the good people of Skegness will have been happy to have their local MP at their local war memorial today. There will surely be photos of him laying a wreath there, won’t there?
I see he hasn't mentioned the Green Party.
Presumably with only having 4 MPs they didn't meet the threshold either.
Dicky is a disingenuous, insufferable bore.
They can’t even get simple maths right
Just tell a story that taps into people’s feelings and the right wing press will back you up all the way.
Glad to see they are outraged.
Known as Tice-but-Dim for a reason.
Presumably with only having 4 MPs they didn't meet the threshold either.
Dicky is a disingenuous, insufferable bore.
He's throwing out red meat for the knuckle draggers.