In the same way that he is going to rename the Gulf of Mexico, the Gulf of America, if annexes Greenland, will he rename it "Red, White and Blue Land" 🤔
The war in Ukraine has served its purpose, it's made Europe dependent on imported US LNG and made all the NATO countries give away their old military hardware so they can buy new US made kit. Now it's just an expense, and who needs that when you have new markets to capture?
He is determined to stamp out the axis of evil between Greenland and Panama and end their reign of terror which threatens the very existence of the free world. Seig Heil, Trump, our saviour!
The United States has been at war for more than 92% of its existence, or 225 out of 243 years since 1776. This means that the US has only been at peace for less than 20 years.
Warmongering to fuel expansionism using whatever deceit it can to justify its actions.
Within 4 years, I believe we in Europe will come to view the USA as a hostile and aggressive force, and a greater threat to us than Russia is now. The UK especially needs to start distancing itself, quickly, from its erstwhile "friend".
Warmongering to fuel expansionism using whatever deceit it can to justify its actions.