Actually it did. It forced them to report both sides. How do you explain the rise of Limbaugh and Fox at the same time? Are saying that only the broadcast media was subject to the FD?
Why do you think the UK stopped Fox from lying as well as Australia.
Limbaugh was on the air during the FD. It never prevented his content. These FCC policies only apply to FCC licensees. That’s local broadcast stations, not cable channels.
Fox News is available in both the UK and Australia.
It definitely didn't require any show to air a rebuttal or "the other side" on that show. Nor did it require any sort of equal time or equal prominence.
Why do you think the UK stopped Fox from lying as well as Australia.
Fox News is available in both the UK and Australia.
Stop posting bullshit on this app.
No, it didn't force anyone to "report both sides". It required that "some time" be used to air "alternative viewpoints".
It could be & was met by airing "Meet the Press"-like shows weekly or giving someone a 2min oped that got aired at 11:52pm.
But it wasn't required by the government.