The revisionist history around the prequels drives me insane. The same people who trashed George Lucas for them now desperately want him back. 🙄
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It's a meme that the sequels are the worst thing that ever happened to Star Wars
but they said the same thing about the prequels
then there are Star Wars fans that hate everything
but they said the same thing about the prequels
then there are Star Wars fans that hate everything
The originals only worked due to a team making it better.
Lucas alone = prequels.
No teamplay = Sequel trilogy.
Also it's not like "Legends" was perfect either. Throwing a moon to kill Chewbecca...
Then there’s the shit about “GL ruined SW. GL raped my childhood.” Just cowardly statements.
That’s why I’m glad for the people who *genuinely* reevaluate them and update their opinions.
They're better than the regurgitated, creatively bankrupt, "mass audience" sludge that Star Wars has become.