Recap so far:
✅ Brains: adapt to survive, survive to adapt
✅ adaptation = KL minimization
✅ most of ML = KL minimization
✅ KL asymmetry captures the flow of information
✅ KL minimization = flow of information from the world into your brain, updating your beliefs
✅ Brains: adapt to survive, survive to adapt
✅ adaptation = KL minimization
✅ most of ML = KL minimization
✅ KL asymmetry captures the flow of information
✅ KL minimization = flow of information from the world into your brain, updating your beliefs
Every section here contributes to a single cohesive message:
✅ brains adapt = minimize KL
Curious about any of the details? Find the full PDF here:
It turns out, I need 10 more parts to finish the full story arc. Here’s what I have in mind next:
In that sense, all of science and philosophy merge into a single pursuit:
➡️ Humanity's collective KL minimization.
We are each gifted a finite amount of time on this earth.
How will you spend yours? Chasing fleeting distractions? Or contributing to humanity's deepest, longest ongoing quest—minimizing our collective KL divergence?
Your choice.
🧠🤖🧠📈 #AI
Thanks for reading this far. I hope it sparked your curiosity.
(here's the link again:
P.S. If you enjoyed this thread, I'd love to hear your thoughts.
🧠🤖🧠📈 #AI