People are saying we need to be kind and forgiving to the people that brought all this on, because they couldn't have known, or we need to add light to the world, or other well-meaning reasons.
I carry a grudge like it has a handle, bitch. I will never let it drop.
I carry a grudge like it has a handle, bitch. I will never let it drop.
Anybody who says we should forgive them is just an enabler and should be made as much of a pariah as them.
I'm a big fan of consequences in general, but it's unfortunate that everyone else also has to deal with them.
I will carry it for generations.
I will carve it in stone.
It's gonna require extraordinary case by case excuses for me to EVER forgive ANY of these people.
some sort of genuinely plausible and believable explanation that actually somehow makes some sort of sense,
along with acceptance of blame,
& real remorse,
& them fighting to undo what they helped cause.