They do. The only thing that helped me was to lie down in a darkened room with a cold wet cloth over my eyes and a bag of frozen peas at the base of my skull.
It took a couple yrs and various failed treatments but I started botox April of 2023 and continue with it I'm down to 10- 12 migraines a mth and the severity is greatly reduced . Prior to botox I had almost daily migraines with vomiting,aura and complete bed rest in darkness
Cluster Headache survivor here, I pray it eases up soon! Hang in there. I am in remission now due to Ketamine infusions. They saved my life and that is no lie!
I used to have severe daily chronic migraines. I got a Cannabis medical card. It has changed my life. I can take a vape hit for my aura, and it's gone. I was on a monthly an infusion, daily medication, and
a lot of pain. I am working now.
It is worth a try
I suffered with Cluster Headaches for 3 years, 6-8 attacks (3 hours each) ever day. I found Ketamine infusions and I have been in an almost complete remission for 2 years now. I encourage you to look into Ketamine for your Migraines. I never thought I could feel normal again and I am so grateful💙
I have suffered with CH and Proximal Hemicrania for 21 years and have volunteered for OUCH, Organisation for Understanding Cluster Headaches. Out of interest, did a neurologist approve this or did you approach a private clinic? Hope you all have a pain free day/week.
I am so sorry I didn’t see this response. I found a clinic near me and the Doctor who runs it is an Anesthesiologist who has been working with Intractable Migraine, CH and CPS patients for 15 years. He has a success rate over 80% with his Migraine and CH patients. It has been a miracle for me.
I have had chronic migraines from my first memory. I was on meds before they ever advertised. Unfortunately, most never worked for me. I was a legal opioid addict for decades.
Now, it seems menopause and weed take care of my headaches. No daily med even. But 1 vape hit stops them. Amazing. Good 🍀
There are some great videos on YouTube that explain how Ketamine IV infusions help with CM. Ketamine triggers your brain to form new neural pathways and has been shown to help those suffering with CM and other neurological disorders. I tried everything before I found Ketamine.
My treatments started with a series of 6 IV infusions over a 2 week period. By my 2nd IV infusion, all of my Cluster Headache attacks stopped. I then started a maintenance IV infusion once a month and it has kept me in an almost complete remission since I have started.
I am so sorry you are suffering so much! Severe head pain is unbelievably devastating and being that it is “invisible”, so many don’t take it seriously or minimize your symptoms. I pray you find an answer. I know how hard finding help or new treatments can be🥹
People really have no clue what it’s like walking around with a lvl 10 headache all the time.
They think we make it up. Brain pain is unbearable, you can barely function sometimes. Thinking hurts.
I’m barely surviving taking 6-9 Percocet a day that hardly take the edge off the pain.
Not many understand how brain pain feels. It is beyond pain and more like torture. I am slowly getting my life back but it has been a slow process. I still live with the fear that the attacks will come back or my treatments will stop working. Uggh
I totally agree! The dark places that my pain took me to are indescribable. I was very close to ending it all. I simply couldn’t live with pain so severe it seemed endless. My Cluster attacks started out of the blue. No history of headaches or migraines. Totally random and viscous and debilitating.
It ... helps.
a lot of pain. I am working now.
It is worth a try
Now, it seems menopause and weed take care of my headaches. No daily med even. But 1 vape hit stops them. Amazing. Good 🍀
People really have no clue what it’s like walking around with a lvl 10 headache all the time.
They think we make it up. Brain pain is unbearable, you can barely function sometimes. Thinking hurts.
I’m barely surviving taking 6-9 Percocet a day that hardly take the edge off the pain.
Protip: edibles will help with nausea and give you some welcome sleep 😴