Time has proven this did not go far enough. It lead to more fascism and oppression. Where it needed to lead to and still needs to lead to is a revolution that takes down the entire empire. The only reform and the only compromise is revolution. Landback & reparations
I hope this leads to an actual revolution to bring down the entire capitalist fascist system. We need our lenin now. Trump is nothing but a symptom. The American empire has always been the problem. Our founders were genocidal slave owners. Lenin liberated the slaves
Fuck Israel free palistine. https://Pslweb.org legitimately care about people They're out in the world organizing for a better world. Unlike elected people on book tours. Ignoring people who voted for them. Not talking about what needs doing if elected. JUST DOING IT ALL THE TIME
If someone's trying to take away my rights then I am rightfully allowed to defend my rights by any means available.
There's a difference between violence and counterviolence. When we have violence done against us and we defend ourselves, it is counterviolence. It is justifiable!
Read about Neanderthals. It said they were always doomed to extinction because they lacked the most important thing a people need...Empathy. They would not have been able to create a functional society. They could only destroy, not build or create. Sound familiar?
And if homo sapiens had never come along, how long would Neanders have been able to exist? Therefore the theory that they were always doomed for extinction. Of course, this is conjecture, but definitely interesting when we're looking at a political party built around lack of empathy.
We don't need to go to Human Evolution itself to understand their lack of empathy, imo. That's why psychology and sociology are so helpful in our day and times
I don't disagree. In fact, the arrival of sapiens did speed their extinction along. My question is, if Neanders were capable of empathy, therefore able to build a stable civilization, would that have helped them withstand the arrival of sapiens?
Honestly the way we treat animals is a reflection of how we are going to treat people so none of this is surprising. There is very little humanity in humanity.
We live in a sick society, but it doesn't mean that people don't want our society to become healthy. It's going to take a lot of work. Also, getting rid of these Christofascists cannot be done through conventional means.
Humanity has always had its share of monsters. We come from chimpanzees as much as bonobos. Let’s not over romanticize our fairly ugly two-natured species.
The horrible actions we learn about in history and still see in the modern day scared me as a kid. But as I grew up, I realized the scarier thing about those who perpetrate them isn't that they were monsters, but that they were men.
Of course. But the image we make of them in school, and the image so many never leave behind, thus falling to their level, is of monsters that could never be seen again because we locked them away.
People are born monsters and learn to be part of humanity. Respecting rights of others creates a win win community that can grow, whereas the monsters just take from each other and stagnate.
The majority of people are not born monsters, maybe a single-digit percentage (those who grow up to sociopaths). This idea of innate evilness is common among the religious; they call it original sin, and it should be rejected.
It's always a complex interplay of genes and environment, but for those so genetically inclined, hateful ideologies might be the tipping point into depravity.
Time has proven this did not go far enough. It lead to more fascism and oppression. Where it needed to lead to and still needs to lead to is a revolution that takes down the entire empire. The only reform and the only compromise is revolution. Landback & reparations
I hope this leads to an actual revolution to bring down the entire capitalist fascist system. We need our lenin now. Trump is nothing but a symptom. The American empire has always been the problem. Our founders were genocidal slave owners. Lenin liberated the slaves
Fuck Israel free palistine. https://Pslweb.org legitimately care about people They're out in the world organizing for a better world. Unlike elected people on book tours. Ignoring people who voted for them. Not talking about what needs doing if elected. JUST DOING IT ALL THE TIME
Keep up the good fight!
"Our hope of immortality does not come from any religions, but nearly all religions come from that hope." - RGI
There's a difference between violence and counterviolence. When we have violence done against us and we defend ourselves, it is counterviolence. It is justifiable!
He is one of the people who influenced me early in my life.
The strength of duty
The honor of selflessness ....
I would argue no.
These monsters have always been monsters.
They simply did not have a wide enough audience to recognize them as such.
The word monster is analogous in this context.
I'm certainly not saying that these people are cryptids.
However, although people are not born monsters, they can become monsters. Certain ideologies really help them along in that process unfortunately.