Because Trump doesn't want everyone discussing the fact that he's a criminal ... when he's busy trying to become the Dictator of the United States of America.
The most watched network on cable paid $787 million for intentionally lying to their audience and they didn't change a thing. Credit for gaslighting Americans should be given where credit is due.
I saw an amazing scatter plot. Horizontal, vote by party, Republicans left, Democrats right. All red dots (states) left, blue right. Vertical, percent of population with BS or higher degree. All blue above, all red below. Draw lines for 4 quadrants, lower left red, upper right blue. Other 2 empty!
For that, both parties are to blame. Republicans under Reagan began underfunding education to dumb down the masses and no Democrat since him has corrected the situation. Critical thinking and civics? Gone.
So... if he thinks he got more votes than anyone, but lost by a whisker, that speaks bigly about his lack of intelligence... and how much stupider his base is.
So they can pretend he did nothing wrong. 😂😂😂😂.. just totally ignoring the fact that the rest of us aren't suffering from a bad case of amnesia.. like the magaTs.
Like, we still remember the 900,000+ Americans that died during the pandemic because of his incompetence and selfishness.
All that is in the report should have been revealed at his trial. But your legal system lacks a backbone, has no intestinal fortitude & lacked the will to prosecute a former president. The report won't be released as to many fingers in the pie.
Why are they even bothering to block?That orange pile of human garbage behaves however the hell he wants..and gets away with it. Half of our country ate it up…and a good portion of people are just checking out and doing squat.
Joe Biden - are you listening? Nut up dude. Force the release. You owe it to all Americans since you failed to “restore the soul of America,” your principal campaign promise. What have you got to lose?
There are 2 co-defendants whose trials have not been completed. By releasing the report, it could invalidate their trials by prejudicing the potential jury pools.🤷♀️
There are 2 reports. The one for the documents case can be sanitized to remove any info about those defendants. The other report has no bearing on them.
If Garland doesn’t release either, he’s trying to protect himself and Trump.
For real. But what does any of this bullshit mean anymore? He's not above the law; he IS the law now. What he says will go, just like it has his whole life. Rules, law, regulations have not and will not matter to him and his goons. We can scream all went want how this and that are wrong, but so what
You're right, but I, for one, still plan on raging against the elements. The Bastard will almost certainly win, and his ruling junta may kill me, but I'll go out having been one more grain of sand in the machine's gears. If I can make his inevitable victory just a bit harder, I've succeeded.
That part! They think we don't have any common sense to not see that he has done something wrong. He's ran from his own guilty while admitting to it open handedly.
It’s all about rewriting history. Nothing else. Nothing is going to happen to cause any kind of justice or absolution to this criminal organization.
Please stop wasting your time on this stuff.
You’re just going to drive yourself crazy.
Why? To intimidate and humiliate the DOJ, and mock Democrats’ craven cowardice.
And if it is released, then 24/7 rw disinfo will claim it’s a complete fiction, and call for revenge against Garland and Smith.
And there is no counter to this.
There aren’t even any Democrats who will object.
Well see Catman umm yea lol, he didn’t mean it. Oh wait. Umm he did? Ohh well Catman, see it’s like this…………………………….
4 years of it! Holy shit! Eek 😬 fkin hell
Billable hours maybe lol 😂 well, I laughed at that one! Yea. As if he’s ever gonna pay the Lawyers fees….Pbtt yea rite. Why? He’s the Donald
I do not know why Trump cares he could shoot someone in the face and his rabid red hats will cheer… hope is fading and democrats, jack smith and garland are so uninspiring….
I feel this so deeply. Like nah I'm done fighting. If the dems aren't gonna bother trying with all the shit trump has pulled what hope do I have. They can stop asking me for money while we're at it. They've done nothing to earn it.
He’s guilty.
He was indicted by a Grand Jury and they found him guilty, thus levied indictments against him. He’s supposed to go to trial to prove his innocence and refute the evidence.
He didn’t.
He’s guilty.
Well, everyone knows that when you're innocent, you hide the evidence that proves it. That's just common knowledge.
'I'm innocent, and I can prove it, but you just have to take my word for it that I am.' Best legal defense ever, practically airtight! Clarence Darrow would approve.
The fact that so many of his followers BELIEVE Trump's lies about the 2020 election doesn't speak well for their intelligence!
It doesn't speak well for the United States.
He lost it in 2016 as well. And he got lotsa Putin help inn the form of millions - something a corrupted DOJ ignored.
Maria Butina anyone??
Like, we still remember the 900,000+ Americans that died during the pandemic because of his incompetence and selfishness.
But there's always an excuse or a way to shift the blame.
If Garland doesn’t release either, he’s trying to protect himself and Trump.
Gotta love these suck ups to the orange palpatine!
Please stop wasting your time on this stuff.
You’re just going to drive yourself crazy.
And if it is released, then 24/7 rw disinfo will claim it’s a complete fiction, and call for revenge against Garland and Smith.
And there is no counter to this.
There aren’t even any Democrats who will object.
4 years of it! Holy shit! Eek 😬 fkin hell
Billable hours maybe lol 😂 well, I laughed at that one! Yea. As if he’s ever gonna pay the Lawyers fees….Pbtt yea rite. Why? He’s the Donald
He knows what’s in the Jack Smith report
Will we?
Only the Shadow of AG Garland do…
He was indicted by a Grand Jury and they found him guilty, thus levied indictments against him. He’s supposed to go to trial to prove his innocence and refute the evidence.
He didn’t.
He’s guilty.
'I'm innocent, and I can prove it, but you just have to take my word for it that I am.' Best legal defense ever, practically airtight! Clarence Darrow would approve.