Well gosh, I mean, when you put it like that, it almost sounds like we were intentionally attacked, doesn't it? Like a foreign power that means us ill has attacked the country using propaganda and spycraft.
Is n't it time for American's to turn round to one of their 77+ MILLION neighbours that voted for Trump and ask "What the fuck were you thinking" and then seek out the other 89 million Americans, or about 36% of the country’s voting-eligible population who could n't be asked to vote "what the fuck."
Says a person who has no idea of the countless number of community organizing, marches, protests, town hall meetings, Congressional staff meetings, campaign phone calls, canvassing, and phone calls to MoC's (Members of Congress) done since JANUARY 2017 during 45's first term!!
When you put it like that
And some countries don't want Americans to visit.
And the world no longer feels sorry for us; but rather laughs at us.
And SOME NEVER LEARN!! Some still voted for him!!
We want you to rise up and do something about what is going on in DC instead of posting on social media about how upset you all are.
Says a person who has no idea of the countless number of community organizing, marches, protests, town hall meetings, Congressional staff meetings, campaign phone calls, canvassing, and phone calls to MoC's (Members of Congress) done since JANUARY 2017 during 45's first term!!
Also, I am in Europe. When all of your marches and social media posts have an effect, we'll notice. Until then, good luck, you are going to need it.
P.S. A one-day shopping 'boycott' is called a Monday, Tuesday, etc. Here. Do better.