It's not a secret. Musk and Trump have both said so publicly.
Ontario - listen: Do Not Re-elect DOUG FORD. He has given millions to Musk/Starlink. Ford wants a tunnel - that idea was a Musk idea.
Ford has already begun the process of selling out Ontario and by extension Canada.
Ontario - listen: Do Not Re-elect DOUG FORD. He has given millions to Musk/Starlink. Ford wants a tunnel - that idea was a Musk idea.
Ford has already begun the process of selling out Ontario and by extension Canada.
He has done so much harm to Ontario & blames Trudeau for everything. Just. Because he said a few nice things he thinks he can win us over, hell NO
I hope Ontarians turn up to vote on Feb 27th to send
#BeerBellyDougyBoy packing to his "hideout" cottage!