I support the anti TikTok law. However you apparently missed the serious informative and unique part of TikTok, which is that it gave anyone (in particular including experts in their fields) a platform not dependent on corporate media.
Those examples are not video. For messaging brief bursts of ideas and info, I think video is inherently very powerful. Evidence for this is the rise of tv/movies/streaming and the fall of newspapers and print media over our lifetime.
So wrong you are. That isn't even what tik tok has been the past few yrs. Yes you hav ppl dancing but also a lot if informative vids like mr global that teaches about the oil and gas industry. Edison motors is an ev semi startup that shows us every aspect of what they are building.
Most American media is propaganda,even the ones we think is truthful. Off topic,i know several playmates including victoria fuller,she founded a nft collection called the rogue bunnies that gives owners a chance to mingle at parties and their discord. Im working on a magazine edition about the brand