produce the *experiences* people want, not just individual games.
But, like buggy whip makers when cars took over, there *will* be some “casualties”. “Assembly line” creatives will most likely have to retrain or find work in an industry that needs that type of work. Essentially, many “grunt level”
But, like buggy whip makers when cars took over, there *will* be some “casualties”. “Assembly line” creatives will most likely have to retrain or find work in an industry that needs that type of work. Essentially, many “grunt level”
Now, there will almost always be a market for indie game devs and studios. Studios that do things in the more traditional style. The most talented of the “assembly line” creatives and new, upcoming rockstar creatives will find a place that those studios.
So, if you’re a fellow creative, like me, instead of panicking, take a moment and a deep breath. Look toward the future and see where you
Your job *will* change…but you won’t be replaced, unless you fail to take advantage when opportunities present themselves.