For the moment, we all still have free will to do as we see fit. You can be on TT if you wish, and I can “not” be on it, as I wish. I don’t look down on you for being on it, so don’t look down on me for not being on it.
Same here. Never had Face Book, TikTok, Instagram, Threads, etc.. Twitter was my first social media site & if it hadn't been for Trump I doubt I would have been on there. Then Leon turned it into his Nazi propaganda site.. so, here I am.
1/ 170 million Americans use Tik Tok, and many small businesses have sprung up on it, helping single moms among others. I’ve learned so much including history, different lifestyles, news that gives only FACTS, and many people with disabilities, cancer, etc. are able to connect with others around the
And I understand that there are many who make a living on the app. They are now unintentional pawns/collateral damage who TFG and the owner really don’t care about, in this game.
I have FB still, but I don’t comment, post, or like anything. I go in and answer private messages and then leave. I use it primarily to keep in touch with relatives who don’t live near me.
Keep it up - what I did was move the F b icon to my last page on my phone so it would wake me up and marry me when I went to tap…it’s working so far..💙‼️