Spoil the neighbours with petals of love.
Shower them with confetti, crisp sweets
& tokens of peace. 🕊️
Fireworks & rockets.
Gently landing.
Symbolical. Painless
Light candles tonight & leave them in the windows.
They will eat. They will sleep.
You'll be invaded. Shot in shadows.
You'll be harassed. Interrogated.
Your homes desecrated.
The women weep & lie awake.
The children suffocate.
Blindfolded. Shepherded.
Incarcerated in a vale of rape & death.
Shower them with confetti, crisp sweets
& tokens of peace. 🕊️
Fireworks & rockets.
Gently landing.
Symbolical. Painless
They will eat. They will sleep.
You'll be invaded. Shot in shadows.
You'll be harassed. Interrogated.
Your homes desecrated.
The women weep & lie awake.
The children suffocate.
Blindfolded. Shepherded.
Incarcerated in a vale of rape & death.