There was a time, even as recently as Trump 1.0, that we could reasonably ignore MTG because she lacked power outside her district and Twitter. Those days seem behind us, so sadly, we need to take the directions she heads seriously, because her party may follow (see, for example, nominee Gabbard).
Let MTG do it, that Cavewoman always demonstrates what an ignorant person she is, she’s absolutely ridiculous, I enjoy watching her humiliate herself, eventually her constituents will vote her out…. It’s embarrassing, and they should all be embarrassed of her!
What happened to freedom of speech? Didn't trump sign an EO saying that the government wasn't gonna stomp on people's freedom of speech? Are we already contradicting that?
Yes. That’s gerrymandering at work. One district in Georgia which also sent Warnock and Ossoff to the Senate in that special election. Gerrymandering is seen more clearly when one looks at the different results in statewide elections.
Good. If nothing else it'll all be matters for public record. They should relitigate Jan6 too. I hear is hungry for a fight. I also hear that #hutchinsontexts are really interesting.We have to mock them and call their bluff as often as we can.
I read an article v early this morning saying he was going to be "making an appearance."
I shoulda checked, you're absolutely right. My mind took making an appearance to mean being in person. Sorry for my mislead on that! Appreciate the correction.
Everyone knows this isn’t going to happen and most people wouldn’t even know about if you hadn’t posted here. Why are you wasting airspace on this performative nonsense and giving this disgusting woman a platform? Please stick to the things that Trump is doing that are truly dangerous.
I don't know and don't care whether his hand gesture was that, but I am bothered by the idea of hauling news orgs before congress over their reporting.
That part! The first amendment prohibits Congress from restricting the press or the rights of individuals to speak freely. Hauling them in for an inquisition because you don’t like their reporting violates that. There should be penalties for that violation of nothing else.
She and the other MAGA Cult members want to silence and muzzle the media about Trump and his allies and they are trying to do it by hitting them with fines and investigations. This is how fascism works.
You know, while these two photos are separated by 100 years, when you look at other photos of Mussolini, he and Musk have the same arrogant petulant scowl.The total lack of humanity is the same, regardless of the corpus carrying it.
She's desperate for publicity as she is being overshadowed these days by the billionaires. She's of little use to Trump now he's in the White House. Time to fire up those space lasers again.
Please MTG, drag me in front of congress. I don't run a media organization, but if you want me to go on the record calling out this fascist bullshit I'd love to get that chance. :)
I just wish more media organizations felt that way. Long-term it would help them in that they'd be the ones with trust.
If I was accused of doing something. Especially something as terrible as what Musk did. The first thing I'd be doing is telling everyone I didn't do it, and condemning Nazis and their supporters. Do everything I could to make sure people know it's a misunderstanding.
And we've got to put up with at least 2 more yrs of these bogus show trials. One of these days the Maga Congress is going to take it upon themselves to hand down sentences at the end of these wasteful propaganda hearings
Well I guess that tells us where Green is on the issue. Like Elon, they support nazis with all of their time. Just follow who they support with so much effort.
Another standard tactic of Republicans. Attack the truth and those that convey the truth. Their goal is intimidation of the freedom of the press. Republlicans have been attacking legacy media for decades starting w/Rush Limbaugh with his "fake news" lie. Tactics are aligning for GOP fascism in USA!
She needs to read the Constitution: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; "
Every Dem member of the committee: *sure looks like a Nazi salute to me* *Marj why are you sure it’s not a seig heil?* *hey let’s subpoena your friend Nick Fuentes and ask him for his expert opinion*
MTG's threats are just hot air. She threatened to release all the dirt on Congress if they released the Gaetz report. Where's all the dirt? We should see it.
Like male Congress members who sex texted Cassidy Hutchison. Had to be solicitations or rape threats. How abt finding out who & what?
A Montgomery County elected official mimicked Elon Musk’s controversial ‘salute,’ sparking outrage online and her resignation from the local library and a nonprofit.
In 2020, there were still people flying "Jail Hillary" signs with their Trump signs.
And of course, there is Hunter Biden and Anthony Fauci that they just can't stop trying to persecute.
I'm sure the public will love the waste of taxpayer money while prices are still rising.
She is a human piece of garbage. Ask the citizens of NYC who booed her ass right out of town. Better yet, ask Rep. Crockett her opinion of Margie.
MTG doesn't have a leg to stand on or a brain cell to rely on. Let's ignore her and focus on actions, not words.
I shoulda checked, you're absolutely right. My mind took making an appearance to mean being in person. Sorry for my mislead on that! Appreciate the correction.
Almost everyone not living in her firing neuron-free district view her as a scornful and vindictive shrew.
I just wish more media organizations felt that way. Long-term it would help them in that they'd be the ones with trust.
Not interested
“Uhhhhhh, because it does.”
B. Just don’t show up until Jim Jordan et al answer their subpoenas from years ago.
Like male Congress members who sex texted Cassidy Hutchison. Had to be solicitations or rape threats. How abt finding out who & what?