I cancelled my Wapo subscription & did not renew my Amazon Prime subscription. I vote with my dollars. If enough folks did the same, maybe Bezos would get the message.
Someone else showed me this app. It's pretty cool. Makes it a lot easier to id places that support us, not the hateful policies of the felon. "Goods Unite Us".
I dumped Twitter on the day Musk bought it, and I bailed on my WaPo subscription when Bezos spiked the Harris endorsement. Next month, my Prime subscription will end. I will not renew. The arrogance of extreme wealth can only be tempered by economic pressure. Fight back. Boycott.
I’ve deleted both Twitter & FB but Amazon Prime is more difficult to cancel. It’s very helpful doing eldercare, and my BritBox subscription is tied up with it.
I was getting ready to switch to Target but now that is shot too.
I ran into the same problem with Prime, so rather then wrestle with its impenetrable cancellation process, I elected to simply let it expire and not renew. I'll keep Netflix, but I also have a lot of books to read.
That is disgusting. Media at its worse Bazos should be ashamed. Facts are facts & around 1500 of the rioters were found guilty by respected judges! Bazos is turning into A Vichy owner!
For more. Greed drives them because it gets them more power. Guess we should have learned in grade school that studying is for suckers. All that matters is green.
There is no both sides defense in what the insurrectionists did at the Capitol. Violence against our democratic institutions is NEVER acceptable. We as a free society, have many ways to express ourselves, and force whether from Trump or BLM is wrong. Bezos sucking up and is despicable as the owner.
it's time to restore the power to the american people. the oligarchs had their fun, killed off millions of us, bankrupted millions more... time for a reckoning.
Those were the 2 sides. That’s the facts.
But of course, you are a pussy
I was getting ready to switch to Target but now that is shot too.
Nope. There are no good Jim Jones thugs.