"Trump is... not a strong president. He is a weak president. He has authoritarian tendencies, but he’s weak. He’s mentally weak. He is subject vulnerable to all sorts of manipulation by his aides. He tries to do all sorts of contradictory things."
Otherwise he’s a sad, weak man desperately seeking the approval of Fred Trump.
1/3 of the Country couldn't pull their heads out of their apathetic asses long enough to vote.
Now, many Americans will feel the pain of this Fascist regime. It's only going to get much, much worse.
It was a DEI issue: Donald's Executive Incompetence.
That's the plane truth.
finding anything redeemable in those failures, says more about you than Donnie
"He doesn't care about treason. That's just him parroting you because you talked to him last. If he spoke to a janitor he'd be passionately declaiming about a fucking mop! It's agonizing."
Every unlawful order
Every unlawful power grab...
....sue, sue, sue, sue. Keep the admin tied up with legal battles! @marcelias.bsky.social @aclu.org @senatedemocrats.bsky.social @housedemocrats.bsky.social
Probably within 6 months
It's blowing up in everyone else's face ( unless they're rich and bought time ).
This is Trump's mind. Everything's good with him.
Work with that premise.
He likes a camera on Him. Just him.
the people manipulating him need to
be called out and held accountable
intentionally causing ,they don"t care!
🤬 does not care.mind is Gone.
What will happen now?