He could at least us some lube on the American People. I hear another American pop-star had a warehouse full of it. Hey Diddy pass the Oompa Loompa the bottle.
When a man with a history of undermining democracy keeps “joking” about staying in power, he’s not joking—he’s forecasting. The real punchline? People still pretending not to see it.
Luckily, his life will not be that long anymore. But some of his svengalis or of his family will take over. They will not leave democratically and the longer they are in power they will be able to consolidate it.
Unfortunately, I believe it will keep going. They will just turn him into some sort of god-like entity and anyone taking up the mantle will have to be him, sort of like the Ayatollahs in Iran.
I would not be that surprised if he didn't make it out of his first year Then the Cabal can put Vance in to finish out Trump's four years followed by Vance for another 8 years
Playbook: Trump will set this up. Tragedy will strike him and deliver a reason for an emergency act (against opponents). Then he will be replaced with Vance (the actual Heritage Foundation guy/Thiel guy) and the show keeps on rolling... forever. The media for this is already controlled by oligarchs
If you've watched his first four weeks and think nobody is capable of finding ways to take Trump out... err... of office, well, you're not paying attention.
RESIGN you Feckless Fossils!!
Trump is a TRAP ☠️ ☠️ ☠️