They ignore the courts. It’s a coup. America has NOT awoken to the fact norms no longer apply and this administration will not be leaving of its own volition.
it's about time something is being done as the activity taking place is waaayyy (spelling intentional) too extreme for any American business let alone any POTUS to be taking.
"I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America, and to the Republic for which it stands, one nation under Canada, easily divisible, with liberty and justice for the rich."
The lack of any significant protest (remember George Floyd?…) is really disconcerting…
The real check will be Rep Congressmen responding to their constituents once they realize how Musk is screwing them.
Elections have consequences, Dems can whine, but only Reps can act - but it only requires a few defections to stop this.
1. Delaying filing of your tax returns (if you can afford to wait)
2. Flood Musk with your top 5 accomplishments daily at hr@opm,gov
3. Call your congressional representatives daily
4. Join the boycotts
Anyone with half an understanding of politics and constitution could see this coming since 2000 if not before
Too late already.
Musk has never missed a meal.
Or do rich people have to abide by any laws?