At this point I'm convinced he could demand they file one by one into a deadly snake pit and they'd goose step the entire way down with shit-eating grins because it's "upsetting the libz."
The Supreme Court gave him immunity, the most corrupt SCOTUS in the history of the United States of America 🇺🇸. Single digit millions. It's not surprising that they are for sale. It's surprising how cheap they are.
They gave former Presidents immunity from criminal prosecution for conduct related to official acts.
I know Trump et al. are misreading it, but it does not say, "Anything a President does is lawful." E.g. he shouldn't be able to amend the Constitution by decree or overrule the Court.
I wonder what great reward they're receiving for betraying and destroying their own country?? 😡🤬🖕
It better include 24/7 protection from potential assassins.
And if the Constitution ceases to exist, the United States of America ceases to exist as it's a political entity literally created by that document & the 50 states become 50 countries.
Which of our states' reps would ever--ever!--have signed on to a Trump/Musk autocracy?
Some “democracy” advocate blocked me because they wrote how the law will protect us and I said that anyone who believes that can fuck all the way off, go a little further and fuck off again. The Constitution is dead.
It might happen if Trump issues an order reading, "Article 1 of the Constitution is no longer effective. Congress no longer exists. You all can go home now."
Similar things have happened in other autocratic take-overs. This is way early in Trump 2.0. Give it time.
Interesting but MAGA Congress is hanging on to this lunatic to advance their own jobs / careers / pockets. If Trump tries to eliminate them, Congress would no longer be in his pocket. For the sake of their own jobs would be something for Congress to finally DO their jobs
Oh, please. MAGA won't even let Green's bill into committee. The Constitution will exist, courts will enforce it, but voters have to fucking VOTE for Dems to give them the power to change.
The other side of that coin is that the millions of unemployed, starving, angry Americans who converge on Washington in a year or so won't be considering the Constitution much either.
It is not simple for the Constitution to cease to exist. The Constitution creates most offices of the federal government. That doesn't mean it once created them. It creates them as a living document, and if it becomes a dead letter the offices do not exist. No POTUS, no Congress, no SCOTUS.
I think that's the point--nullify the whole thing and replace it with a dictatorship financed by crypto currency. They have deference to no institution, except those who seek to undermine us, like Russia and North Korea. They see the whole thing as illegitimate, and themselves above it.
But in their attempt to nullify government they nullify the nullifiers. In the suspension of the Constitution, nobody has any legitimacy in any office that is created under the Constitution unless they earn it by standing for reinstatement of the Constitution.
FAFO 🍊💩🤬😡
I know Trump et al. are misreading it, but it does not say, "Anything a President does is lawful." E.g. he shouldn't be able to amend the Constitution by decree or overrule the Court.
It better include 24/7 protection from potential assassins.
And if the Constitution ceases to exist, the United States of America ceases to exist as it's a political entity literally created by that document & the 50 states become 50 countries.
Which of our states' reps would ever--ever!--have signed on to a Trump/Musk autocracy?
The hell do you mean, “if?”
In what world is that scenario anything but a certainty?
Chief Justice John Roberts has already violated his oath of office, ignoring Section 3 of the 14th Amendment. See my pinned post.
The Constitution is already dead, tRump is an illegitimate president, and Roberts needs to be impeached and removed from the bench.🤬
It really does come down to that.
Otherwise, we are just handing him everything he wants.
NOT an option!!🚨🚨🚨
Similar things have happened in other autocratic take-overs. This is way early in Trump 2.0. Give it time.
The Trump-sized hole has been there a long time.