The left seems to live in a world of "ifs". How about we focus on what he has done, rather than what his political enemies are "afraid he's gonna do". Of course, they can use these predictions to prove in the future they were right. Like this sort of stuff:
The Constitution only exist on behalf of the institutions that protect it.
If those institutions cease to function the Constitution is more or less left at the sideline. That is the slippery slope towards a pretended democracy compared to a functional one.
The readyness for a little turmoil is seen.
I often wonder about those Republicans who privately bash Krasnov but publicly support him out of fear of a primary.
Band together, ffs. He can't primary all of them.
Courage gave us liberty, cowardice will lose it.
Tässä todetaan että Trump on teknisesti oikeassa: laki ei de facto koske häntä koska oikeusistuimilla ei ole valtaa käskeä poliisin pidättää presidenttiä. Ja jos joku muu virkamies ei tottele, Trumpin hallinto voi erottaa kenet haluaa ja palkata omat kätyrinsä.
The Repub’s in the House do not have the guts to impeach, that is why it is so important that the Dems take back the House and possibly the Senate in ‘26! Their first order of business is to impeach not only Drump but also Just Dumb Vance!
There won’t be a midterm. With the amount of pain they are causing their own constituents, they know they would lose. They will declare martial law, suspend elections, then suspend congress all together.
More modern competitive authoritarians keep elections, judges and legislatures-- they just pervert them. To me, they're facing the electorate they care about and will deny enough ofthe vote to those they don't to keep them in perpetual power like Orban does in Hungary. Fascist plausible deniability.
They do seem to be attacking programs that their own base relies on though. I’m no fan of Orban, but I think him and Putin are way smarter than trump. They’d never let someone as chaotic as musk anywhere near the center of power. Putin in not stupid or even unpredictable. Trump is.
We have a president who tried to overthrow a US election & take over the country as a dictator, and is an adjudicated rapist & convicted felon. The Constitution is a weak-kneed, meaningless document.
It’s about time judges start enforcing the laws in this country! Including the Supreme Court who allowed immunity for a president while in office! This Supreme Court 6 in particular should be held accountable for their actions!!!
They warned us about political parties, but did not count on Congress having its spine eaten away by cancerous “factions.”
If those institutions cease to function the Constitution is more or less left at the sideline. That is the slippery slope towards a pretended democracy compared to a functional one.
The readyness for a little turmoil is seen.
Band together, ffs. He can't primary all of them.
Courage gave us liberty, cowardice will lose it.